Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Corporate Aviation

Looking on the web at corporate aviation position is tricky work.  If a company isn't hiring then it is much more difficult to figure out what minimums they will look for or how long you might be on the road.  Using a job search engine was extremely helpful tool in locating jobs that were available.  Many of the websites it directed me to had basic hiring minimums and where I could send a resume and little else.

Looking for a few of the pilot jobs on a few of the job search engines led me to positions for Caterpillar and Kroger.  I wasn't able to get much information outside of basic qualifications for hiring though.  One site that I did find a bit more information on was for a medical helicopter pilot for Air Evac Lifeteam.  As stated through their website.  Air Evac Lifeteam is looking for helicopter pilots to fly their Bell 206 and 407 models.  They offer a 7 on/7 off work schedule as well as numerous other benefits as listed in the job posting.  The job posting was similar to all other types of job postings with a little more information.  Most of the posting didn't project a large picture as far as salary, quality of life, or the type of equipment that would be flown.

Another interesting thing that I kept running across while looking for various corporate flight departments were aviation forums.  Many people were looking for basic insight for specific companies with various responses.  Some would tell the type of equipment being flown, while others would answer hiring minimums.  It is difficult to gauge how accurate some of the posts on the forums are so I took this information knowing that fact.

One thing that did hold constant on these message boards was knowing somebody that was in the flight department or having a network to somebody related to the department.  This holds very true with most of the speakers we have listened to over the past few weeks.  Networking, networking, and more networking are the keys to success in the corporate world.

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