Sunday, September 18, 2011


People that fly on a commercial airline are all too familiar with the process of airport security.  Some people feel that the TSA doesn’t do enough to protect us and that we should surrender more of our personal rights to ensure no one can slip through.  On the other hand others feel that the agency has gone too far with pat-downs or the use of full body scanners. How people view the TSA agency is something that is still being debated, and will continue to be debated for years to come. 

Another way to look at aviation security is on the economic impact on society.  US News and World Report published an article that discussed the economic impact on the amount of money that was being spent directly on aviation security as well as secondary cost incurred.  These costs can build and put a great burden on a struggling global economic environment.  In these trying economic times we need to figure out at what point does the cost outweigh the amount of security.

Security in the aviation industry has been under extreme scrutiny for the last decade.  When there is a blunder or disregard for security the reaction from the public and news sources can be very harsh.  Finding the perfect system will most likely happen because of the different views people have on the subject.  Finding a way to get the most “bang for our buck” is critical as we try and integrate the ever evolving joy of security.


  1. Yes, the economic impact is often far in the background in the media coverage of the impact of security. Good point.

  2. Your topic hits the subject right on, to find a security system for air travel that is both effective and affordable is a goal all parties should be working toward.

  3. Unfortunately, you are 100 percent correct. Security devices do cost a lot of money, I would not be surprised to see additional surcharges and fees placed on ticket prices to help fund research and development of more advanced security screening devices

  4. Money is definitely problem. I feel the media would be overly critical either way. If we relaxed security then the would be criticizing the lack of security. So its really just a balancing act between effective security and and acceptable level of inconvenience.

  5. It is definitely scary that we do not have the funding in order to make a safe airport, and times like these when economy is down we have to run the shop even because they can't afford to close it.
